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Nearly 80% of the year’s large IPOs are above issue, a positive signal for the fall IPO market

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The year's crop of large IPOs is off to a strong start, with nearly 80% currently above issue. As long as these solid returns hold, we expect a decent harvest of public listings in the fall.So far this year, 19 IPOs have raised $100 million or more, more

Updated: Renaissance Capital's 1Q 2023 US IPO Market Review

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The IPO Pickup Gets Cut Short Following the US IPO market's slowest year in decades, the first quarter of 2023 continued the trend with 29 IPOs raising just $2.3 billion. Deal flow started at a decent pace but failed to pick back up after the February lull, more

Several large tech names are eyeing 2023 IPOs; here's how recent tech listings have fared

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Large tech issuers effectively disappeared from the US IPO market in 2022 as the sector crumbled in the global sell-off. Over the past few months, returns from recent tech IPOs have started to recover, leading several notable tech names to prepare for more

Renaissance Capital’s February IPO Market Update

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Ten IPOs raised a combined $1.5 billion in February, roughly in line with the 10-year median (10 IPOs, $1.3B). Five issuers raised $100+ million, the most since November 2021, led by solar tracker play Nextracker (NXT; $638mm). The rest of the month's more