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US IPO Weekly Recap: SharkNinja completes listing as wave of small IPOs continues


There were five pricings this past week, four of which are included in our IPO stats. Three issuers submitted initial filings. With the July IPO market behind us, and no notable launches this past week, we likely won't see any major deals until the more

Renaissance Capital's July IPO Market Update

Pixie Dust Technologies logo

Eleven issuers raised a combined $939 million in July, well below the 10-year average (22 IPOs, $5.1B). Four deals raised $80 million or more, along with the year’s first direct listing (SRFM), and a wave of small issuers, which have largely disappeared more

Japanese consumer and tech company Pixie Dust Technologies prices US IPO at $9 low end

Pixie Dust Technologies logo

Pixie Dust Technologies, a Japanese maker of consumer personal care devices and spatial materials, raised $15 million by offering 1.7 million ADSs at $9, the low end of the range of $9 to $10. The company offered 0.3 million fewer ADSs than anticipated. New and more

US IPO Week Ahead: SharkNinja is the big fish in a week with small deals


Four or more companies could list in the week ahead. While it is not an IPO, the week’s largest and most notable new listing comes from US-based appliance maker SharkNinja (SN). We could still see a notable deal or two launch, but time is running more