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Similarweb Priced, NYSE: SMWB

Provides a freemium platform for website traffic analytics.

Industry: Technology

Latest Trade: $7.82 0.00 (0.0%)

First Day Return: -0.6%

Return from IPO: -64.5%

Industry: Technology

Similarweb provides a leading platform for digital intelligence, delivering a trusted, comprehensive and detailed view of the digital world that empowers our customers to be competitive in their markets. Our proprietary technology analyzes billions of digital interactions and transactions every day from millions of websites and apps, and turns these digital signals into actionable insights. With our platform, everyone from business leaders, strategy teams, analysts, marketers, category managers, salespeople and investors can quickly and efficiently discover the best business opportunities, identify potential competitive threats and make critical decisions to capture market share and grow revenues. Digital is an important growth driver for businesses today. It is quickly becoming the preferred means to find information, communicate, transact, and deliver services. At the same time, digital has lowered the barriers to entry, accelerated the pace of business and increased competition in every market. To win in the digital world, including to defend existing market share and proactively drive future growth, it has become a business imperative to embrace digital intelligence throughout the organization, from senior executives to individual contributors.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 04/15/2021
Offer Price $22.00
Price Range $19.00 - $21.00
Offer Shares (mm) 8.0
Deal Size ($mm) $176
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 05/11/2021
Offer Price $22.00
Price Range $19.00 - $21.00
Offer Shares (mm) 8.0
Deal Size ($mm) $176
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
J.P. Morgan
Company Data
Headquarters Tel Aviv, Israel
Founded 2009
Employees 691

Similarweb (SMWB) Performance