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Warby Parker Priced, NYSE: WRBY

Sells low-cost prescription glasses online and in over 145 stores.

Industry: Consumer Discretionary

First Day Return: +36.2%

Industry: Consumer Discretionary

We started Warby Parker 11 years ago to solve our own problems as frustrated consumers and to make a positive impact. We aspired to demonstrate that a business could scale, be profitable, and do good in the world -- without charging a premium for it. Since our founding in 2010, we have pioneered ideas, designed products, and developed technologies that help people see. We offer everything our customers need for happier eyes at a price that leaves them with money in their pocket, from designer-quality glasses (starting at $95, including prescription lenses) and contacts, to eye exams and vision tests -- and they can meet us online, at our retail stores, or even at home. Wherever and whenever they need it, we’re there to make exceptional vision care simple and accessible. Delightful, too. We also believe that everyone has the right to see. Glasses enable people to learn, work, and navigate the world with more security and dignity, but 2.5 billion people around the world who need them do not have access. To help address this problem, we partner with nonprofit organizations like VisionSpring to ensure that for every pair of glasses sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need. VisionSpring estimates that, on average, a pair of glasses improves personal productivity by 35% and increases monthly income by up to 20%. Through our Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program, we have helped distribute over eight million pairs of glasses to people in need since inception, increasing earning potential for low-income households by more than an estimated $1 billion.
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Warby Parker (WRBY) Performance