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Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group Priced, Nasdaq: VEDU

Provides secondary and post-secondary education services in Canada.

Industry: Consumer Discretionary

Latest Trade: $0.15 -0.04 (-21.5%)

First Day Return: +525.0%

Return from IPO: -95.2%

Industry: Consumer Discretionary

We are a licensed provider of private online and in person educational programs and services in Canada, serving both Canadian and international students who reside in Canada and internationally. We entered the education industry in 2017 when we purchased a majority interest in Toronto ESchool Ltd., or Toronto ESchool. Our educational programs include Ontario Secondary School Diploma (grades 9 through 12), or OSSD, career-oriented two-year college and four-year university diploma programs, vocational education programs, and master programs. We also provide educational services that include immigration and study visa services, student housing, career guidance, internship, and entrepreneurship guidance. Our founder and majority shareholder, Fan Zhou, originally organized our Company to develop and operate an international education platform focused on vocational education based on agricultural technology. She concurrently organized a separate company to acquire and develop educational real estate facilities as a complement to the education company. We acquired the real estate company in 2019 and have used the profits from its real estate activities to acquire a number of private, government licensed education operations and to continue to transition into private education and ancillary services as our main business focus.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 03/04/2022
Offer Price $4.00
Price Range $4.00 - $4.00
Offer Shares (mm) 4.3
Deal Size ($mm) $17
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 05/16/2022
Offer Price $4.00
Price Range $4.00 - $4.00
Offer Shares (mm) 4.3
Deal Size ($mm) $17
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Joseph Stone Capital
Valuable Capital
Company Data
Headquarters Markham, Canada
Founded 2013
Employees 32

Visionary Education Technology Holdings Group (VEDU) Performance