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T1V Withdrawn, Nasdaq: THNK

Provides a hybrid software system for visual collaboration.

Industry: Technology

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Industry: Technology

T1V is a visual collaboration company specializing in hybrid collaboration software for enterprise, education, commercial and healthcare markets. Visual collaboration means a system including a computer, a touch screen, and software that enables the user to access a virtual canvas that is not limited by the size of the touch screen. It allows for multiple pieces of content to be placed on the canvas and viewed at the same time by multiple users. It enables multiple users to be able to simultaneously add content to and edit the canvas from multiple locations. The canvas can then be saved and resumed at a future time. ThinkHub® is our visual collaboration solution for global teams. The software is available as a room-based product (ThinkHub Room) or cloud-based product (ThinkHub Cloud). ThinkHub Room is T1V’s room-based collaboration software product, typically used in a dedicated system by our customers including a computer, software and a large touch screen mounted to a wall. The T1V app is the companion application that users download to their device (laptops, desktop computers, and mobile devices), and is used to connect and share content with a ThinkHub Canvas™. ThinkHub Cloud™ takes the collaborative experience of ThinkHub Room™ and brings it to the user on an individual laptop device. Users can access ThinkHub Cloud™ through the T1V app, where they can create canvases and invite collaborators to join them.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 01/24/2023
Offer Price
Price Range $4.00 - $6.00
Offer Shares (mm) 3.3
Deal Size ($mm) $17
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date
Offer Price
Price Range $4.00 - $6.00
Offer Shares (mm) 3.3
Deal Size ($mm) $17
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
R.F. Lafferty & Co.
Company Data
Headquarters Charlotte, NC, United States
Founded 2007
Employees 79

T1V (THNK) Performance