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Cloopen Group Holding Priced, NYSE: RAAS

Provides cloud-based communication services in China.

Industry: Technology

Latest Trade: $0.45 -0.68 (-60.2%)

First Day Return: +200.0%

Return from IPO: -97.7%

Industry: Technology

Our mission is to enhance the daily communication experience and operational productivity for enterprises. We aspire to drive the transformation of the enterprise communications industry by offering innovative marketing and operational tactics and SaaS-based tools. We are the largest multi-capability cloud-based communications solution provider in China, as measured by revenues in 2019, according to the CIC report(1). We are the only provider in China that offers a full suite of cloud-based communications solutions, according to the same source, covering communications platform as a service, or CPaaS, cloud-based contact centers, or cloud-based CC, and cloud-based unified communications and collaborations, or cloud-based UC&C. We serve a diverse and loyal customer base consisting of enterprises of all sizes across a variety of industries, including internet, telecommunications, financial services, education, industrial manufacturing and energy. China's cloud-based communications industry is still in the early stages of development relative to more mature markets globally, and is experiencing significant transformation driven by rapid advancements in cloud and AI technologies.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 01/19/2021
Offer Price $16.00
Price Range $13.00 - $15.00
Offer Shares (mm) 20.0
Deal Size ($mm) $320
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 02/08/2021
Offer Price $16.00
Price Range $13.00 - $15.00
Offer Shares (mm) 20.0
Deal Size ($mm) $320
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Goldman Sachs
Company Data
Headquarters Beijing, China
Founded 2012
Employees 1,171

Cloopen Group Holding (RAAS) Performance