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ECB Bancorp Priced, Nasdaq: ECBK

Regional co-operative bank in Everett, Massachusetts.

Industry: Financials

Latest Trade: $12.27 0.00 (0.0%)

First Day Return: +40.9%

Return from IPO: +22.7%

Industry: Financials

Everett Co-operative Bank is a Massachusetts-chartered mutual cooperative bank headquartered in Everett, Massachusetts. Everett Co-operative Bank was organized in 1890 and has operated continuously in Everett, Massachusetts since this time. We conduct business from our two full-service banking offices located in Everett, Massachusetts and Lynnfield, Massachusetts which are located in the greater Boston metropolitan area in Middlesex and Essex Counties, respectively. Everett is adjacent to Boston and is approximately three miles from Boston’s downtown financial district, and Lynnfield is located approximately 10 miles to the north in Essex County. We consider our deposit market area to be Middlesex, Essex and Suffolk Counties, Massachusetts and our primary lending area to be these Counties as well as Norfolk County, Massachusetts, which are located primarily within the Route 128 corridor outside of Boston.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 07/27/2022
Offer Price $10.00
Price Range $10.00 - $10.00
Offer Shares (mm) 8.9
Deal Size ($mm) $89
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 07/27/2022
Offer Price $10.00
Price Range $10.00 - $10.00
Offer Shares (mm) 8.9
Deal Size ($mm) $89
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Keefe Bruyette Woods
Company Data
Headquarters Everett, MA, United States
Founded 1890
Employees 57

ECB Bancorp (ECBK) Performance