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Ault Disruptive Technologies Priced, NYSE American: ADRTU

Blank check company backed by Ault Global targeting disruptive technology.

Industry: SPAC

Latest Trade: $13.50 0.00 (0.0%)

First Day Return: +0.2%

Return from IPO: +35.0%

Industry: SPAC

We are a newly-organized blank check company. While we may pursue an initial business combination opportunity in any business, industry, sector or geographical location, we intend to focus on opportunities to acquire companies with innovative and emerging technologies, products or services that have the potential to transform major industries and radically impact society. We intend to acquire a target business or businesses with disruptive technologies that our management team believes can achieve mainstream adoption and create opportunities for long-term appreciation in value. Our sponsor is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ault Global (NYSE American: DPW). Ault Global owns interests in various subsidiaries and investments that are engaged in the defense-aerospace, industrial, automobile, telecommunications, medical-biopharma and textiles industries. Our management team consists of experienced deal makers, operators and investors. We believe the reputations and experience of our officers and directors and our ability to leverage their sourcing, valuation, diligence and execution capabilities will provide us with a significant pipeline of opportunities from which to evaluate and select a business that will benefit from our expertise.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 11/05/2021
Offer Price $10.00
Price Range $10.00 - $10.00
Offer Shares (mm) 10.0
Deal Size ($mm) $100
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 12/15/2021
Offer Price $10.00
Price Range $10.00 - $10.00
Offer Shares (mm) 10.0
Deal Size ($mm) $100
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Brookline Capital Markets
Company Data
Headquarters Las Vegas, NV, United States
Founded 2021
Employees 4

Ault Disruptive Technologies (ADRTU) Performance