Renaissance Capital logo (Ipsidy) Priced, Nasdaq: AUID

Provides a biometric identity verification platform.

Industry: Technology

Latest Trade: $8.20 +0.81 (+11.0%)

First Day Return: +5.7%

Return from IPO: -86.8%

Industry: Technology (Ipsidy Inc.) is a leading provider of secure, mobile, biometric identity verification software products delivered by an easy to integrate Identity as a Service (IDaaS) platform. Our mission is to eliminate all passwords and to be the preferred global platform for biometric identity authentication. Our vision is to enable every organization to “Recognise Your Customer” instantly, without friction or loss of privacy, powered by the most sophisticated biometric and artificial intelligence technologies. provides secure, biometric, identity verification, FIDO2 passwordless login and strong customer authentication. We maintain a global, cloud-based, IDaaS platform for our enterprise customers to enable their users to easily verify and authenticate their identity through a mobile phone or portable device of their choosing (as opposed to dedicated hardware). We establish a proven identity, creating a root of trust that ensures the highest level of assurance for our passwordless login and step-up verification products. Our system enables participants to consent to transactions using their biometric information with a digitally signed authentication response, embedding the underlying transaction data and each user’s identity attributes within every electronic transaction message processed through our platform.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 06/28/2021
Offer Price $7.00
Price Range $7.00 - $7.00
Offer Shares (mm) 1.4
Deal Size ($mm) $10
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 08/23/2021
Offer Price $7.00
Price Range $7.00 - $7.00
Offer Shares (mm) 1.4
Deal Size ($mm) $10
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Company Data
Headquarters Long Beach, NY, United States
Founded 2011
Employees 60
Website (Ipsidy) (AUID) Performance