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WalkMe Priced, Nasdaq: WKME

AI-powered enterprise customer engagement and business insight platform.

Industry: Technology

Latest Trade: $7.93 0.00 (0.0%)

First Day Return: -7.1%

Return from IPO: -74.4%

Industry: Technology

WalkMe is the defining solution enabling organizations to better realize the value of their software investments. Using our cloud-based Digital Adoption Platform, users -- employees and customers of organizations -- can navigate websites, SaaS applications, and mobile apps through a digital, GPS-like experience to accomplish any task from simple, online transactions, to complex cross-application software processes, to fully autonomous experiences that require no manual clicks or entries. Our Digital Adoption Platform overlays upon any application with a simple no-code implementation. Once overlaid, our platform provides immediate insights that enable a data-first approach to understand the gaps between user interactions and behavior with technology and an organization’s business goals. With actionable insights, we then enable organizations to create and deliver elegant experiences that enable users to access the full functionality and value of the software, ensuring digital adoption, and ultimately fulfilling the promise of digital transformation. With a digital adoption strategy powered by WalkMe, employees and customers of organizations can benefit from intuitive and unified technology experiences. Chief information officers ("CIO") and business leaders gain visibility and insights across the organization’s enterprise technology stack. This allows organizations to become more results driven, agile and innovative, to better compete in today’s ever-changing business environment and to ultimately achieve their objectives.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 05/17/2021
Offer Price $31.00
Price Range $29.00 - $32.00
Offer Shares (mm) 9.3
Deal Size ($mm) $287
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 06/15/2021
Offer Price $31.00
Price Range $29.00 - $32.00
Offer Shares (mm) 9.3
Deal Size ($mm) $287
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Morgan Stanley
Goldman Sachs
Company Data
Headquarters Tel Aviv, Israel
Founded 2011
Employees 940

WalkMe (WKME) Performance